This year in Tokyo climbers should have been Olympians for the first time. SKALOLAZ.PRO asked climbers, who have already passed qualification for the Olympics, what do they think about postponement of Tokyo 2020.
Jessica Pilz
Do you find some positive side of this situation or just negative?
In this hard time where the virus is spreading around the globe I actually find more positive sides of the postponement than negative ones. First of all, health is the most important aspect and we have to fight this virus by staying home and social distancing. Moreover, many athletes can't go to the gym where they normally train because sports facitilies are closed in many coutries. So we can't prepare properly for this important event and it wouldn't be fair, compared to other athletes who have no restrictions.
How will you use the additional time before the Olympics? How will you correct your training plan?
In Austria we have a full lockdown, so right now I try to stay in shape with hangboarding, pull-ups and core exercises. And when the crisis is over I will continue with my climbing training for the world cups this year. And for the olympics, my coaches and I will make a new plan but we don't have any stress right now.
Julia Kaplina
Do you find some positive side of this situation or just negative?
It was not surprise after the European Championship in Moscow was postponed. I think it was right as from the safety reasons, as from the fair play principle. Many athletes have quaranite now and train at home, and it's hard to have a good fit in such difficult condition.
How will you use the additional time before the Olympics? How will you correct your training plan?
Due to quarantine I'm training at home now. I pay more attention to exersises I did not practice a lot earlier. For example, stretching. And I'm gonna install fingerboard at home to stay strong.
Jan Hojer
Do you find some positive side of this situation or just negative?
A big positive is, to be able to sit out quarantine without any stress. We will all have enough time to prepare for 2021.
How will you use the additional time before the Olympics? How will you correct your training plan?
I’m glad I never have training plans. Hopefully we get to climb on rock in a few weeks or months. Then I won’t be bored.
Mia Krampl
Do you find some positive side of this situation or just negative?
I always try to find positive things even in bad situations. I appreciate that people still care about eachother and had put other people's health on fhe first place. And more time just means more trainings so we can get back even stronger.
How will you use the additional time before the Olympics? How will you correct your training plan?
All the news about the postponing of the Olympics are quite fresh and I didn't think about the new plan that much. I think my training plan will stay similar but everything depends on other World Cups and exact date of OG.