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The whole world resists coronavirus today. Everybody feels the aftermath of the measures against pandemic. And the climbers are no exception. A lot of climbing gyms are closed, and many climbers cannot go to the rocks due to quarantine. We asked climbers from different countries to tell how their life has changed because of coronavirus pandemic.

USA, 148 089 infected people Adeline Wright, New-York Things are hard financially since my gym closed but we're all trying to stay positive. They've sent us resources to help pay for the essentials and are doing their best to keep up morale via social media. Even without a physical presence you can still feel our community.


CZECH, 2 942 infected people Martin Stranik, Choceň There is restriction of people's mobility, gyms ar closed, climbers training at their homes, but also many on rocks, to be alone in nature is recommended.


ARGENTINA, 820 infected people

Dimitri Chafatinos, Bariloche

The climbers are require to train at home. Personaly, I ask to my coach that give me climbing exercises to do. The rock climbing are stopped, and all climbinggym are empty. I think that is important fulfill with the quarantine. It is a social resposability, and affects the weakest people.


AUSTRIA, 9 520 infected people Jessica Pilz, Haag In Austria we have a full lockdown, so right now I try to stay in shape with hangboarding, pull-ups and core exercises. And when the crisis is over I will continue with my climbing training for the World Cups this year.


JAPAN, 1 866 infected people Gen Hirashima, Fukuoka Many small gyms are open. There is no quarantine.

However, it's scary because nobody knows when they end. I hope they calm down soon.


ARGENTINA, 820 infected people Roman Rusconi, Buenos Aires There's no climbing right now, just trying to train at home working out, spinning bike and lots of climbing movies over Internet. We all try to climb walls at home, sticking our fingers in the spaces between bricks, that's all most of us can do.


AUSTRALIA, 4 317 infected people Sasha Gerzha, Tamworth We can climb the rocks cause there's no restriction on it in Australia. But all climbing gyms are closed.


SWEDEN, 4 028 infected people Petter Åsander, Brastad As far as I know most gyms are still open, pretty much as normal, but avoiding to arrange competitions and other avtivities that would attract more than 50 people.


UAE, 611 infected people Ivan Shishkovskiy, Dubai The climbing gym where I work is closed, as all other sport centers in Dubaj. But we can go climb on the rocks and rest on the beach, so it's not so bad as it could be.


COLOMBIA, 702 infected people Alita Contreras, Bogota The climbing gym where i train has been closed for a week already. I don't only train there but i also work there as a coach. So it is a hard situation for me too.


AUSTRIA, 9 520 infected people

Andreas Würtele, Innsbruck

Our gym is closed and also mountaineering is forbidden explicitly to prevent the health system to waste energy in rescuing outdoor enthusiasts. I think lots make exercises to strenghten the body, increase their mobility, do stretching and the lucky ones, who are the proud owner of a hangboard or even a campus, now really start to use it.

Data is relevant on March, 30.

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